Research on the Theory and Practice of Economic Management in the Central Soviet Area was selected into the "14th Five-Year Plan"

Author: Time:2023-07-05 Clicks:

Recently, the National Press and Publication Administration announced the Adjustment of the Publishing Plan of National Key Publications during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, and the series research on the Theory and Practice of Economic Management in the Central Soviet Area, planned and organized by President Professor Huang Shunchun, was successfully selected, which achieved zero breakthrough in the field of national key publishing projects of our institute. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the special plan of national key publications represents the highest level in the publishing field of publications in China. The series has been approved by Lujiang Publishing House and will be applied for the National Publishing Fund in 2024.

The "Research on the Theory and Practice of Economic Management in the Central Soviet Area" series actively implements the requirements of "Strengthening value leadership" in the construction of the national new liberal arts, and focuses on the ideas, policies, practices and achievements of the "people-centered" economic management of the Chinese Communists in the Central Soviet Area. It has planned the topics of finance and accounting supervision, tax administration (collection), quality, cooperatives, commerce, agricultural economy, finance, audit, internal control, etc., aiming to strengthen and improve the new path of college students' education and value guidance under the new situation by deeply exploring the red resources in the former Central Soviet area of southern Jiangxi.

In recent years, centering on the development idea of "blend three colors of red, color and blue, cultivate high-quality talents", the college has built the "three-dimensional and six square" red party building ideological and political work system. It has successively built the "three-dimensional and six square" party building brand, the ideological and political brand of "golden grass shoes", and the employment brand of "Jiangxi is Jiangxi, Jiangxi is a new future". Among them, the Party Committee of the College was approved as the first batch of benchmark departments of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" for Party construction in universities in the New era in Jiangxi Province, and the "Golden Grass Shoes" practical education project is planned to be approved as the key project of ideological and political work in universities in Jiangxi Province in 2023.

Next, college will take on, cohesion, to the project construction as an opportunity to give full play to the national publishing planning demonstration, leading role, to ensure that the project quality completed on time, constantly develop the central Soviet communist party of China economic management thought, policy, practice and achievement research new areas, explorations to carry forward the inheritance of Chinese people "people centered" economic management spirit of new mission, promote the construction of new arts in the school of economic management talent training work to carry out the work.

(Text、Tu/Zhang Qiongfang)

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