Accounting Major

Author: Time:2019-10-19 Clicks:

Accounting major started accounting and audit specialty in 1989and accounting undergraduate major in 1996.In 2004,it was rated as the brand major of colleges and universities in Jiangxi province.In 2009,it was approved to build “first-class specialty”in Jiangxi province.This major has a large number of laboratories such as financial case,ERP financial business intergration,equipped with ufida,kingdee, and other rescue softwares,emphasizing both theory and practice,highlighting the two major characteristics of finance ,financial management analysis focusing on the cultivation of students’ comprehensive quality,in order to meet the needs of accounting practice.

This professional training which adapts to the socialist economic construction demands,strengthens the curriculum and professional education, scientific spirits and the quality of culture, integrity,finance,management ,economy,law and computer application knowledge and ability, systematically masters the basic theory, knowledge and professional skills of accounting and financial management ,financial analysis,audit and so on,pays attention to students’ scientific research ability ,innovation , practical , life-long learning and team cooperation ability so that students could be competent in finance and related work in industrial and commercial or financial enterprises,intermediary agencies,government institutions and other relevant departments,and become application-oriented compound senior specialized talents with innovative thinking and practical ability.

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