The Electronic Commerce major

Author: Time:2019-10-20 Clicks:

Founded in 2002, the Electronic Commerce of Jiangxi university of science and technology is the second batch of nation and the first batch of Jiangxi Province of Electronic commerce undergraduate major. This major belongs to the school of Economics and Management, which has had master’s degree of Management Science and Engineering (including E-Commerce direction) since 1999, and has had the approval to confer master’s degree of Business Management (including Logistics Management direction)since 2002. It also has had the master’s degree of Logistics Management. Having developed for more than 10 years, this major has formed its own characteristics, initially forming two directions of System Development and Data analysis,E-Commerce Operation and Logistics Management in the professional directions. Especially focusing on the cultivation of students’ innovation ability, it organizes and guide students’ participants in the national college students E-Commerce challenge “innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship”,and the National College Students Entrepreneurship competition “The Challenge Cup” and so on.

This major is oriented to E-Commerce Systems Development and maintenance, Business Data Analysis,E-Commerce Operation Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and other fields. It devotes into training professional talents, those who have modern economic vision in the field of Basic Research and Innovative Application of E-Commerce, perspective of International economic and information society, who are full of exploration and entrepreneurship, who have keen sensibilities and creativities, who have a solid theoretical foundation in economics and management, who comprehensive E-Commerce skills, those who are able to engage in the work of development and maintenance of e-commerce system, business data analysis and processing, E-Commerce operation management, logistics and supply chain management and so on, and those who can grow into young technical backbones or management talents after five years that are highly praised by enterprises, institutions and government departments related to E-Commerce.

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