Our college in the "one-stop" student community to carry out in-depth future beauty "Gan" salon activities

Author: Time:2023-09-25 Clicks:

In order to realize the normal communication between school and enterprise, this network news guides students to clarify their career planning and open up the direct channels of school and enterprise. On the morning of September 24th, the College launched the future beauty "Gan" Salon activity in the F4 building "one-stop" student community. Mr. Peng Jinliang, President of Nankang Branch of China Merchants Bank, and Mr. Huang Jijun, Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee and Deputy General Manager of Ganzhou Branch of China Life Insurance attended the event.

Peng Jinliang first invited the students present to share their doubts and future plans, and shared their work experience with the students present, so that the students have a clearer understanding of the future employment road. He said that Ganzhou's economy has entered a period of rapid development, and the prospects for economic and social development are bright. Staying in Jiangxi for employment is a good opportunity for development. At the same time, Peng Jinliang also quoted typical cases to teach the students present career planning methods and job-hunting skills.

Huang Jijun shared several growth experiences: First, to grasp their own professional, in-depth understanding of professional development trends, employment prospects and necessary skills; Second, we should plan the four-year college life clearly, set up the life goal and ideal, and work hard for it; Third, we should understand ourselves correctly, take root in the grassroots, and enrich our resume.

Li Yin from Class 221 of International Trade said, "The future development direction is very complicated. As a sophomore student, I am really confused about my future planning. This activity not only answers questions and doubts about relevant professional knowledge, but also gives me a prototype of my future development plan." Zhu Jun of Class 212 said: "I am in the entrepreneurial period, the mood is very anxious, this activity, let me understand the method of employment and entrepreneurship, but also strengthen my determination to find employment in southern Jiangxi."

It is reported that the Future United States "Gan" salon, as one of the college's "Talk about Jiangxi, Jiangxi New future" employment quality activities, regularly invites well-known social figures, government staff, experts and scholars, human resources managers of Jiangxi enterprises, etc., combined with work practice and theoretical research and in-depth exchanges with students, to help students understand Jiangxi, understand Ganzhou, and actively serve the development of the region and industry. This activity will help students solve their ideological confusion, guide them to actively carry out career planning, and use the professional knowledge they have learned to help Ganzhou economic highland construction.

(Text/Li Yi Photo/Chen Xiaoqian)

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