[Visit enterprises to expand posts to promote employment] The College went to Nankang District furniture enterprises to carry out a special action to visit enterprises to expand posts to promote employment

Author: Time:2023-05-22 Clicks:

In order to accurately grasp the situation of the employment market, deepen the cooperation between schools and enterprises, improve the level of serving the local economic development, explore employment positions, help graduates with high-quality employment, and further enrich the theme education research and practice activities. On May 13th, Zou Guoliang, vice president of the college, and his delegation went to Jiangxi Chinese Style Furniture Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Jinteng Industrial Co., Ltd., Jiangxi 100 billion Furniture Industry Co., Ltd., Nankang Furniture New Center and other enterprises to carry out a special research action to visit enterprises, expand posts and promote employment.

In the process of visiting the enterprises, Zou Guoliang and his delegation visited the exhibition hall of furniture enterprises, and had an in-depth understanding of the development process, production and operation situation, talent demand and other conditions, and held a discussion in the new center of Nankang Furniture.

At the symposium, Zou Guoliang introduced the purpose of the investigation, and introduced the college discipline construction, local service, talent training and other conditions. Zou Guoliang said that in order to cultivate more high-quality students in line with the needs of the society, industry and market, the school effectively improves the ability of students, actively integrate into the local, into the industry to study and research, hoping to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with enterprises. Liu Pingping, founder of Jiangxi Chinese Style, Yu Jun, founder of Jinteng Industry, Fan Dinghui, founder of 100 billion Hotel Furniture, and Chen Chunguang, head of the operation of Nankang Furniture New Center, respectively introduced the company, and communicated about the needs of talents, talents staying in Jiangxi, industry development and enterprise practice mentors.

This investigation and visit is one of the series activities of the "Jiangxi, Jiangxi new future" and "Ten million" employment in Jiangxi for five years, which is also the expansion of the theme education activities.

(Text/Zhang Xiaosong)

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